Friday, November 8, 2013

How Adam Sandler almost got me fired

When I would work the opening shift at West Coast Video on Saturday mornings I would get to choose the first movie that would play for day.  It would set my mood for the rest of the day, like a good cup of coffee!  As you have read in previous blogs, I love a good musical Some of the best musicals you have probably never seen and I also love movies that have good soundtracks.  There is one Adam Sandler movie that fits both, The Wedding Singer.

This was a first pairing for Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.  A heartwarming romantic comedy with some hit tunes of the 80's as it's backdrop!  So there is this scene where Adam Sandler's character Robbie is trying out to be Julia's (Played by Drew Barrrymore) singer at her wedding.  Robbie has just been dumped and has written an original tune for the audition.  I would time this part of the movie perfectly.  It has a pg-13 rating, I think, because of the expletive in this one scene alone.  So I would wait for the moment, run over to the sound system, and turn it off until this song was over.  Well this Saturday morning in question was a particularly busy one.  Rainy days at a video store were usually a very popular time for renting videos. I was busy helping multiple customers and I just couldn't get there in time to turn the sound off.

Imagine having to apologize to a woman and her 3 kids under the age of 9 why this was blasted at 11:30 am for all ears to hear.  Oops!  However, I still love this movie and many other Adam Sandler flicks!

So watch the clip above, in all of it's 1 min and 54 seconds of the song entitled Someone Kill Me Please, which was the reason I got my first employee counseling session and how Adam Sandler almost got me fired in this story from a video store.

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