Friday, February 14, 2014

How Varisty Blues helped me get a husband

My employed years at West Coast Video provided me with a few dating opportunities, while not always ideal prospects, I did get a first boyfriend out of the deal!  But little did I know that one football movie would change my life forever.  No one would argue that Varsity Blues starring James Van Der Beek, the late Paul Walker, and Oscar Nominee Jon Voight made you want to re-invent yourself or discover the meaning of life.  But for me this movie held the key to my future.  This was a movie that 4 young men from England, coaching soccer in America, decided they wanted to rent from their local video store.  What one of these men didn't know, was that after watching Varsity Blues and going to bed, his roommate decided to watch a porno.  So that when said young man wakes up the next morning, presses eject, then closes the box that he thinks he has put Varsity Blues in, he in fact has returned a porn entitled Horny Hispanic Honey's.

Fast forward 2 weeks later and I am behind the counter returning movies customers had just dropped off, restocking shelves, generally making myself busy when in walks a very cute guy.  I watch as he browses through the racks of videos eventually deciding on something.  I eyeball him as my co-worker is assisting him with his rental when up pops a late fee notice.  He questions it, swearing, in one of the cutest accents I have ever heard, that Varsity Blues was returned weeks ago.  "Not according to our computers." says my co-worker.  At this point my assistant manager takes over and in her hand is the bright yellow box labeled Varsity Blues however inside the box is the now infamous Horny Hispanic Honey's, which she proceeds to say a little too loudly, was returned in it's place.  My inner dialogue says, "You have got to be kidding me!  The cutest guy I have ever seen, and pretty sure is checking me out too, is the porno guy!"  Just my luck....

Cut to a week or two later and porno guy has returned.  He is still very cute and comes up to my counter to rent a movie.  I proceed with the transaction gaining enough courage to ask where is accent is from.  I say, "Are you from Australia?", in which he replies, "No, I'm from England."  (I know, really smooth, we've said one sentence to each other and I'm pretty sure I've offended him)  He walks around the counter, through the detectors, and leaves.  I turn around, to frankly check him out, and I notice that he left his movie on the counter.  So I chase him outside, both of us a little red-faced, and hand him his rental.

Maybe a few weeks later a friend and I are in our local diner.  It's Friday and midnight, I have just ended my shift at work.  As we walk in I notice, in a booth 2 rows down, is my movie guy.  I say to my friend, "Oh my god, it's the guy from the video store."  He and his friend are talking to some other girls we know and here comes the moment that my life is forever changed.  He looks up, we make eye contact, he says something to his friend, they get up and occupy the booth next to us.  We chat for a little while, they walk us out to our car, and the movie guys asks me out.  My future husband, who to this day swears he did not watch the porn and was an innocent bystander, just trying to return Varsity Blues.  So thank you James Van Der Beek for helping me meet the love of my life.  And my favorite story from a video store.
14 Years Later!
Wedding Day 2000

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