Thursday, October 31, 2013

Are My Childhood Horror Films Still Scary to Me as an Adult?

I'll admit it, I don't like scary movies.  It's not because I don't think they are entertaining it's because my over active imagination turns into overdrive after watching them.  I have nightmares.  I can't take my dogs out at night without thinking that someone is going to jump over the fence with a knife.  And now since it's Halloween scary movies are on tv all the time.  So I decided to put a theory to the test. Would movies that scared me as a kid scare me now?  The answer...sort of!

Poltergeist-Still Scary

Entitled the clown scene!  A clown in a chair that's possessed, add some scary music, and that's me not sleeping for a few days!  Add a creepy little girl, some very scary catchphrases, and a underground cemetery, yikes!

Ghostbusters-More fun than scary

I really only remember being scared during this, the library scene.  I still get those butterflies of anticipation waiting for the ghost to show it's face.  For years I never actually knew what happened because my brother would shout, "Close your eyes!"  And I would wait for the scary face to be over.  I really see this movie as a fun look into NYC in the 80's.  And the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is definitely more cute than scary.

A Nightmare on Elm Street-Idea is scarier than the movie

Someone able to kill you in your dreams, no thanks!  However, Tina's death scene watched as an adult is really funny.  The special effects are so old-school that you can't help but look for the string when she is being lifted off the bed.  Still, it's a classic and the original.

What are your scariest movies from your childhood in these spooky tales from a video store?

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