Thursday, October 24, 2013

Some of the best Musicals you have probably never seen

I am a sucker for a musical.  It doesn't even have to be particularly good, if someone is singing, I'm watching.  There are many popular well known musicals that are everyone's favorite.  There are a few lesser known or maybe even under-appreciated musicals that I love and think if you like this genre, are a must see:

Fast Forward

Directed by Sidney Poitier this 80's classic has it all!  It is a movie about a dance crew from Ohio moving to New York City to make it big.  The crew consists of well trained dancers that think they have all the right moves until a rival crew challenges them to a dance battle.  They quickly find that they are a little old-fashioned in the "moves" department with the end leading up to being featured in a big dance competition with their new dance hall grooves.  80's nostalgia at it's finest.  So go on YouTube and watch, they have the whole movie for viewing!


This 1990 musical is a little more well known on this list however I feel that it's totally under-appreciated. A screen-goer's first taste of Johnny Depp.  When he arrives on the screen I think my breath actually caught in my throat. It's your classic- bad boy wants good girl, the bad boy isn't actually bad, just misunderstood, and gets the girl in the end.  It also takes place in the 50's so it's a neat homage to that era.  This musical is directed John Waters, who also directed another fave of mine, The original Hairspray starring Ricki Lake. The only disappointing thing is that Johnny doesn't actually sing the songs himself because the soundtrack is awesome.  Can't get this one on YouTube but it's available on Netflix.

Back to the Beach

Do you know who Annette and Frankie are?  If you don't, google them both.  Annette Funicello was America's sweetheart in her day.  Frankie Avalon sang the famous 1959 song "Venus".  They came together cinematically in the 60's for some fun beach themed romps.  Beach Blanket Bingo is my favorite of the bunch.  Back to the Beach (1987) sees Frankie and Annette 20 years later returning to their youth with their teenage son in tow to visit their beach living daughter played by Lori Loughlin (of Full House fame).  I love getting a glimpse into California in the 80's since I only experienced the East Coast version of it.  Frankie and Annette both sing a few catchy tunes in this light-hearted movie that you can also catch completely on YouTube.

Eddie and the Cruisers

Definitely the most serious movie in the list.  This 1983 cult classic starring Michael Pare was marketed with the tagline Rebel. Rocker. Lover. Idol. Vanished.  How could I resist?  Set mostly in flashbacks of the band's earlier days, with a New Jersey background setting (Can anyone say Bruce Springsteen?), the premise of the story is a re-release of Eddie and the Cruiser's first album and the telling of how Eddie hit fame and then vanished, assumed dead...or is he?  Again disappointing that Michael doesn't actually sing in the film, but he sells it well and the song really became a hit in the 80's.  There is also a sequel: Eddie and the Cruisers II-Eddie Lives! (1989).  BOTH can also be seen, in full, on YouTube.

I hope you like the suggestions!
Stories from a video store

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