Monday, October 28, 2013

I hate Simon and Garfunkel

I really don't want to but I do, I hate Simon and Garfunkel, and it's not my fault.  Paul Simon can probably be argued as one of the best song writers, maybe ever.  He and Garfunkel are one of the best folk duo's with many hits, that people adore, but every time I hear Bridge Over Troubled Water, I die a little on the inside.  Why, you ask?

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When I first started working at West Coast Video I had a male boss probably in his mid to late forties.  He was a nice, harmless man, and really gave me my first taste of the world of movies.  In our store we had a sound system, under the counter, that was hooked up to a VCR, and surround sound speakers with monitors throughout the floor.  Whoever was in charge of the store that day got to select what was played in the VCR.  Well my boss liked Simon and Garfunkel so much that he played Simon and Garfunkel-The Concert in Central Park (1982) every day he was in charge.  When the 90 minute concert was over, I got maybe a 2 minute reprieve as the VHS was rewinding, and then he started it over again.  This proceeded all day, every day for about a year.  It was like living in a folk inspired jail.  Then out of the blue one day he put in Billy Joel- Live From Long Island (1990) and that was it.  The last straw, he was NOT going to ruin Billy for me!  I had enough, spoke to my assistant manager and asked to never work with my boss again.  Fortunately for me he left West Coast Video and my assistant manage became my manager and Simon and Garfunkel were never heard from again.
I got to continue to love Billy in this story from a video store.

1 comment:

  1. Won't you please reconsider Simon &'s not really their fault :) Keep the blog thoughts coming!
