Monday, April 14, 2014

Deja Vu All Over Again

Have you ever seen a movie star and think, hmm...they remind of someone.  It happened to me recently when I was watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  I love this movie and hadn't seen it, in it's entirety for years.  I am looking at Harrison Ford's very handsome face and getting this feeling of, you look like someone I know, but who?  Then it hit me as well as a list of several other look-a-likes.  So what do you think, am I, and many others, on to something here?

Ian Somerhalder/Rob Lowe

photo courtesy of
I actually think I heard Rosie O'Donnell first mention this when she and Ian were on a talk show couch together.  Wouldn't you love to see Ian in some romantic "dramedy" that becomes an instant cult classic a la St. Elmo's Fire?

Skrillex/Corey Feldman

photo courtesy of
Can Skrillex even act? Because it would be epic if he was cast as Corey's son in the rumored Goonies sequel!

Zac Efron/Michael J Fox

photo courtesy of
Zac has every quality to become America's male sweetheart like Michael J. Fox was in the 80's.  I think Zac should look into a Back to the Future-esque multi-film deal.

Garrett Hedlund/Harrison Ford

photo courtesy of
Garrett has already done the sci-fi thing with starring in Tron.  There have been ideas of re-making Indiana Jones, Garrett could totally pass for dorky scholar by day/rugged adventure junkie by night.

James Franco/James Dean

photo courtesy of
James Franco has actually already starred in a Dean bio film.  I think Franco has also earned himself a similar enigma from creating art, to starring in my favorite soap General Hospital, to comedies, and writing books.  I think he'd be great in a western themed drama like Dean's Giant.

Camilla Belle/Elizabeth Taylor

photo courtesy of ohnotheydidn'

I think I know more about Camilla Belle's dating history than her film work but isn't that very Elizabeth Taylor-ly of her?!  Get this girl in a period piece with an equally handsome leading man, and instant hit!

So I guess my secret is out that I would love to moonlight as a casting agent, do I have a chance? What are some other celebrity look-a-likes that you've spotted in this doppelganger story from a video store!

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