Sunday, May 4, 2014

Magical Moments

I must admit I've been finding it a struggle to write lately, lots going on at the moment.  Don't get me wrong, I still have time to watch movies, just not write about them, but then I watched Saving Mr. Banks.  As a child I loved Mary Poppins, I would spend hours in my basement with my childhood best friend recreating scenes.  Our favorite part to repeat was "Lime Cordial, delicious!"  And I would practice rolling my r's when Mary took a spoonful of her sugar, "Rum Punch!"  Ha!  And while watching this beautifully done narration of how the film came to be, I thought movie moments...when the screen grabs something inside you and then, BAM, your heart starts beating faster, your eyes start leaking, and you lose yourself in a story, so here are a few of my favorite movie moments.

Saving Mr. Banks
There are actually two moments in this film that I love, since one is the ending, I refuse to give that away because this movie is just too good not to watch.  The other features my favorite song from the actually Disney film, P.L. Travers the creator of Mary fights Walt and his entire Disney team about not making a mockery of her beloved Mary Poppins, never ever just Mary, always Mary Poppins! The idea that her pages would turn into a musical frustrates her until she is surprised one day when song writers, the Sherman Brothers start playing Let's go Fly a Kite, and does what Disney musicals do best, put perspective into life's most important lessons and then turns it into a song anyone and everyone can relate to, seriously could watch this one moment all day long so enjoy Emma Thompson's Oscar nominated performance and my favorite moment from this amazing film.  Unfortunately, since this is a new movie, and one of the most important parts of the film there are no clips available.  However, enjoy this behind the scenes look at the music and go watch the dang movie!

The Impossible

Part of movie magic I feel is not knowing the ins and outs of how they are made.  I don't want to see the green screen or the hours between takes, for me it takes away from the authenticity of the story. Not only is this movie amazing but enough was not said about the children in the film.  I don't know how directors get emotion from children so young but in this film there is one scene that even brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. Set during the Thailand tsunami a family is separated; mom with her oldest son and dad with the two younger boys.  Both sets go through unthinkable situations trying to stay alive and keep their hope that everyone will find each other again.  Mom and Dad played by Noami Watts and one of my favorite actors Ewan McGregor actually have different moments where, they too, get separated from the children or child they have been with from the start.  The moment comes when the youngest boy has to pee while stuck on a truck that is taking children to a safe location.  His brother gets off with him, at the same moment the dad is looking for anyone as he had be split up from everyone and is virtually hopeless.  The oldest son had found his mom in the make shift hospital and out of the corner of his eye spots his dad, they are all in the same place and no one knows it.  This scene feels like liquid to me, a wave coming in and the going out, like crescendo building up and crashing down, the oldest boy Lucas runs through the crowd finally letting a feral scream of "DAD" out.  At this moment the two younger boys look up, shocked, it couldn't be their brother?! They turn, to see it really is him, and shout , "LUCAS" all running, screaming, and crying toward each other, in the same moment the crowd parts, and dad emerges seeing all his sons together, tgen Lucas tells Dad that Mom is alive and also at the hospital.  Crying yet? I seriously bawl every time I see that scene and trust me you will too.  If you haven't seen the film don't watch the clip and get your butt on your couch and watch one of the most inspiring stories of survival.



The true story about Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger whose dream was to go to Notre Dame and play football. Rudy comes from humble beginnings who lacks both the funds and the grades to make it to the fighting Irish.  I think all parents should let their kids watch this movie about how you don't have to be the best or the smartest, but if you work hard and have a dream, you can make things possible for yourself.  So I am sure you all know the scene...he's finally at Notre Dame, he's made the practice squad, and for years has never been picked to dress for the game.  It's Rudy's senior year and the last game yet the coach still doesn't pick him.  In walks every player, they turn in their jerseys and roster spots and one after one say, "This is for Rudy."  So coach gives in, Rudy takes the team out onto the field with family and friends watching from the stands.  The game is winding down 27-3 in Notre Dame's favor.  But the offense is on the field, Rudy plays defense.  All of a sudden the chant of Rudy...Rudy...Rudy starts around the stadium, offense ignores coach's play, scores a touchdown, and on Rudy goes with the defense to a deafening crowd, he sacks the opposing teams quarterback, his family are crying, his friends are crying, I'm crying, and Rudy gets carried off the field, what a moment.


Sixteen Candles

Ah, Jake Ryan, swoon!  Doesn't even just his name sound dreamy! Do kids still past notes in school?  Or do they text ?  How can you ask someone out these days, text yes or no instead of check the box, give to your friend, who gives it to his friend, to give it to him?  So here is Andy sophomore, mildly popular, filling out a confidential questionnaire, the question is "Who Would You Do?"  Of course Andy writes in Jake Ryan but instead of slyly passing the note back to her friend it lands in front of Jake!  The moment that her love life is about to change.  Jake picks it up and spends the whole movie trying to get Andy to go out with him.  The dream of every girl to know, yes he is actually into you, willing to break up with his blond, popular, current girlfriend to take a chance on you.
Then the moment comes, Andy is the last one left at the church, she comes out to find all the cars are leaving for the reception, like clouds parting, emerges the Jake Ryan standing in front of his Porsche, waiting for Andy, watch...sigh...swoon, John Hughes really knew how to do this right.

The Journey of Natty Gann

I've looked high and low for the moment that changed my life in this film, realizing it wasn't just one but a collection of many having to do with Natty and her wolf dog.  Growing up you hear "man's best friend" and the plot of the film is Natty's journey to find her father but for me , the magic of this movie is her bond with the wolf.  How trust is earned through kindness and is repaid with protection until the wolf  hears his pack and is conflicted leaving his beloved Natty behind.  Natty realizes that he is meant to be free and let's him go ultimately finding her father in the end.  This movie began my love affair with dogs so if you have an hour to spare, keep your laptop on and enjoy one of my favorite Disney live action films.


This list just barely covers those amazing moments where the world seems to slip away.  So what are some of your favorite movie moments in the magical story from a video store.

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