Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Movies You'd Bring to a Deserted Island

So for argument's sake let's assume on this island you had electricity, a tv, and dvd player!  Just go with me, if you could only watch 5 movies for the rest of your life, what would they be?  Here are my 5 in no particular order:

Dirty Dancing

This is the second ever movie I watched and have probably viewed more times than any movie ever.  It's got a great soundtrack, the dancing is authentic, and is supposed to take place in the Catskills.  I have vacationed every year of my life in the Adirondacks so that detail is especially endearing to me.  I never really felt like the "pretty" girl in life so the fact that Baby is played by a normal looking girl hooked me from the start.  Patrick Swayze as Johnny is great casting.  He acts like a real man even though he could dance circles around most.  And I have always wanted someone to say, "Nobody puts Abbie in the corner!"  But don't watch it with me because I tend to recite my favorite lines out loud and will never get sick of this flick.

The Departed

What a great movie this is from start to finish.  Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio create a masterpiece.  It has cops, secrets&lies, romance, blood&guts, twists&turns, the kind of movie you wished you hadn't seen so you could watch it for the first time again.  It's too complicated to explain so just watch and enjoy.

The Little Princess

There will be a blog that I write at some point called Movies that Make You Cry No Matter How Many Times You've Seen them.  This film definitely goes on the list.  There is a certain magic to this film from the set design, to the costumes, to the story.  Set during World War 1, a little girl gets taken to a boarding school when her father goes to war.  Without giving too much away...she thinks he has died and is put into a life of servitude by the horrible head mistress, only to discover that her father is really alive!  If you haven't seen this film get your tissues ready.  I wanted to add the clip of the end because it's my favorite part but I won't because it would ruin the movie if you haven't seen it yet and it's just too good to ruin.  And remember...all girls are princesses!

Sense and Sensibility

I love Jane Austen!  This 1995 adaptation is definitely my favorite of this book.   Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, and many more stars take on this Ang Lee film.  This was my first taste of Jane Austen.  I saw the movie and then read the book.  Then I read all the books and watched every adaptation of every book I could.  This isn't my favorite Jane Austen book or movie, but I'm keeping that a secret for a future blog.  I love epic British anything that takes you back to a different time where women had very different roles.  I have to watch this movie every time it's on and I love reconnecting with the Dashwood girls anytime I can.


Didn't see this coming did you?  I would need to laugh on my deserted island wouldn't I?  Jonah Hill and Michael Cera are so funny in this film.  I can't even pick out my favorite part because I love them all.  I think all teenagers have had a night, maybe not exactly like this, but close enough, to relate. Underage drinking and drugs, partying with scary older kids, dodgy cops, and a time you'll never forget and will try to recreate as long as you live.  I would totally have been their friend in high school.

So I think I would be pretty entertained on my deserted island.  Pop open a coconut and I'm set but how about you?  What would your 5 movies be in this stranded story from a video store?

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