Monday, November 25, 2013

The Booger Box

For anyone that worked at a video store each store had a return box.  At West Coast Video we had two: an overnight box outside and a mail-like chute you could open the front door, drop-in, and leave.  When I would work all day on Saturdays one of my jobs in the morning would be to unlock the outside box from the night before.  You would open each box, check to see if you had to rewind the movie, and scanned the bar code for return.

Image courtesy of YouTube

One day I was opening boxes as usual and looked down to see snot, mucus, boogers, whatever you want to call it all over the video I was about to scan.  I screamed, dropped the movie on the ground, showed my manager (we both laughed hysterically after the initial shock) and then grabbed some paper towels.  I took a deep breath, picked up the movie, and scanned.  That's right genius the scanner showed who last rented the video!  And let me say the person in question was a young well dressed man in his early twenties that some girls in the store thought was cute!  Well....not after this!

Caught booger-handed and what a disgusting story from a video store.

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