Monday, November 11, 2013

Let's hear it for the boys

I fully admit it, I love romantic comedies.  I'm a girl, what can I say!  But sometimes I just want to see a movie where shit blows up and a man acts like a man.  Here are some of my fave dude flicks:

Shawshank Redemption

What is it about a prison movie and the emotional well-being of these inmates that makes this one of every man's favorite movies?  I guess even in the lowest of lows you can find hope and friendship.

Die Hard

What man do you know that has never said "Yipee Kay-Yay Mother-F*#%er."  This film established Bruce Willis as an action star that with whom the regular man can relate to.  Trying to reconcile with his wife, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, really discovering the stuff your made of.  What a cliche, but a very entertaining one!


Sylvester Stallone won an Oscar for this film.  When you visit Philly you run the "Rocky" steps, of course with the soundtrack playing in your head, and relive this movie's epic scene.  The story of an underdog, got to love it.  Plus there is a little romance for the ladies.

Bad Boys

A comedian and rapper turned actors?  Will Smith and Martin Lawrence were starring in their own hit tv shows at the time and what a great piece of casting.  This Miami back-dropped cop movie is funny and engaging and who doesn't know and want to sing the song.  "Bad boys, bad boys, what-cha gonna do, what-cha gonna do, when they come for you?"

Crocodile Dundee

Australian Outback meets NYC!  A taste of a man's man living and fending for himself in the "bush", coming to NYC, and being so out of place, but learning how to fit in better than any real New Yorker.  My favorite scene and I quote, "That's not a knife, this is a knife!"

So come on ladies, rent a dude flick, and discover your own manly stories from a video store.

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